Learning and growing in faith doesn’t have an age limit. Opportunities for adults to share life together, to study together, and to pray together are an important part of our life here at PCTR. It’s in these groups where God wants to work in your life, and through your life. It’s within groups that we are equipped, where we learn, where we find courage, and where we are encouraged.
Growing in (Small) Groups
Powerful growth happens in small groups. It’s why part of our approach to connecting people to full life in Jesus is to grow in groups. For our adults, small groups span the gamut from Bible-plan partners to Triads & Quads to small groups of 6-12 participants. Regardless of their size, these groups make space for people to invest in each other while studying God’s Word together.
Groups may select a book of the Bible or a topic to study together, or they may gather around a similar interest (for example, gardening together while studying scripture). Not sure where to get started? We can help with that!Pat Grill, Director of Adult Discipleship, can help you get connected to a small group that fits you and your schedule.
Call the church office at 732-349-1331 or email us at [email protected]
Connecting in (Bigger) Groups
We love our small groups, and we also are grateful for the opportunity to gather in larger groups for different study opportunities. These groups may have more people gathered around the table, but they also offer the opportunity to learn, to grow, to encourage and to be encouraged. Some groups meet for a particular season, and others meet weekly throughout the year.
Sermon Discussion Group.
Sundays at 10:30 am – Did the weekend’s sermon get your wheels turning? Are you wondering how it applies to your life? This group meets every Sunday at 10:30 am to continue exploring the topic as a group.
The Story.
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm at PCTR – The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. We’re reading through this version together, tracing the threads of the Gospel from the very first pages of the Old Testament through the end of the New Testament. Join us at any time!
Thursday Morning Bible Study.
Thursdays at 9:30 am –The informal group meets weekly over snacks and coffee as they study the Bible together. All you need for this class is a curiosity to learn about what God is saying to us through the pages of scripture.
Other groups are offered throughout the year including Lenten Studies, Advent Studies, and other topics.
Family Small Groups
Bring your whole family to a small group! Our family small groups offer an opportunity for parents to meet while their kids gather in another room for their own small group study. Although parents and kids are gathering with their own peer group, the topics covered will be the same (presented in an age-appropriate format) which means you can continue the conversation as a family at home too!
Groups are currently meeting on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. If you’re interested in joining an existing group or forming a new group, email us at [email protected]
Presbyterian Woman At PCTR
Presbyterian Women (PW) offers the opportunity for women to grow in faith through small groups (we call them PW Circles), service and mission projects, and large group gatherings. Circles meet on a monthly basis for study and prayer. Large group PW Gatherings occur throughout the year. For more information or to find a circle that fits your schedule, email us at [email protected]
Retreats, Prayer Groups, Book Discussions, And Other Opportunities…
From our annual Women’s Retreat to afternoons set aside to laugh and have fun together, there are also unique opportunities throughout the year to connect with one another, to study together, to support one another, and to grow in faith together.
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