Grow in Groups
Powerful growth happens in small groups. It’s why part of our approach to connecting people to full life in Jesus is to grow in groups. It’s where God wants to work in your life, and through your life. It’s within groups that we are equipped, where we learn, where we find courage, and where we are encouraged. In groups we can put the things we learn from a weekend sermon into practice. We can hold one another accountable. We can support one another. We can ask questions.
Growing in groups is a core part of who we are as a church. Through them, there are opportunities to connect with others of a similar age, stage of life, or even challenges you may be facing.
Next Gen: Kids
Children are some of our favorite people! We are grateful for the opportunity to support them, encourage them, and teach them as they get to know Jesus. Of course, helping kids connect to full life in Jesus Christ also means supporting their families. Here’s what that may look like for your family.
Next Gen: Students
God loves students and so do we! Middle and high school can be difficult, but we want students to know that they are not alone. We want them to know Jesus, know that they belong, and know that God has plans for their lives. Our Next Gen: Students Ministry creates opportunities for students (grades 6 – 12) to foster connections with each other and grow in faith together.
Learning and growing in faith doesn’t have an age limit. Opportunities for adults to share life together, to study together, and to pray together are an important part of our life here at PCTR. It’s in these groups where God wants to work in your life, and through your life. It’s within groups that we are equipped, where we learn, where we find courage, and where we are encouraged.
Special Needs Ministry
We are passionate about creating an environment that is welcoming and accessible for all – regardless of special needs and disabilities. This means opportunities designed specifically for our special friends, as well as adaptations and support that allow individuals to participate in church-wide opportunities. Here’s what that might look like for your family:
“Everything in GriefShare is rooted in scripture, but not everyone that attends has an existing relationship with Christ. Some of the people are Christian. Some are not. And some are even fighting God a little bit. Some people share their own journey with God, but not everybody because not everybody is on that same page. One of the things that has inspired me is how everybody listens carefully to others.”
[Being part of a small group,] I got to hear other people’s perspectives about the scripture, so I learned a lot more because it wasn’t just what I was getting from it. I got to hear what other people were getting from it. Sometimes it was similar. Sometimes it was completely different. It also helped us form new friendships. We got to talk about what was going on in our life that we needed prayers for and it was nice to have a safe place to talk about those things and to know that you were connecting to someone that really cared and wanted to pray for you.”