God is a sending God. He sent Jesus into the world. He didn’t send a message or program to mend the brokenness of our world. He sent a person: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who offered his life sacrificially to pay off our debt, to restore hope, and to bring healing.

And He sends us to heal the broken places, to bring justice for the poor and the marginalized, to give hope to the hopeless. We are His plan. We are sent into our neighborhoods, into our schools, into our workplaces, into our neighborhoods, even into our own families. As the Father has sent Jesus, so He is sending us.

PCTR - Serve in our Community

God sends us to go and serve through the church. As an intergenerational family of believers, we serve one another. These opportunities to serve through the church include being the first person on the weekend to offer a warm greeting, leading small groups, sharing musical gifts in worship, and making sure the livestreamed worship service is running properly.

God sends us to go and serve in our community. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. In following his example, we seek opportunities to use our skills and abilities and our resources to serve our community in Toms River and the surrounding area.

He sends us to go and serve out in the world. God’s church is global and so is our mission to serve His people. Opportunities to support our global community include short-term mission trips, as well as supporting those that travel to serve abroad.