
What does full life in Jesus Christ look like? How does our life change as we connect with Jesus and with His followers? The answers to these questions can be seen in the stories of others. Hearing (or reading!) about their experiences can inspire us, give us hope, and shine a light on where God’s already at work in our own stories.

Sharing Hope & Finding Peace: Grief Share

“Thank you for the hope.” At the end of each meeting, one participant of Grief Share offers these words to the group and their facilitators. To those that have attended Grief Share that farewell of gratitude shouldn’t be a surprise. Rooted in the Gospel, Grief Share offers a safe place for the grieving to support one another as they heal and move forward following a loss. Several times a year, PCTR volunteers facilitate the 13-week Grief Share program.  Just a few years ago, Nadia, one of the group’s facilitators, had been praying that God would

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Built on Community: Special Needs Ministry

For individuals and families living with special needs and disabilities, connecting to full life in Jesus Christ can be a challenge in traditional church settings. For many, it can feel like they’re just not meant to go to church because it’s just too hard to engage in the life of the church. Others find a place to belong, but it requires them to drive a distance. Yet, everyone needs to know Jesus. That’s why our Special Needs Ministry exists to identify the accommodations and opportunities that may enable all families and individuals to gather to

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God’s Writing a Better Story: Urban Promise

God is at work in Camden, New Jersey. As we serve through and with our friends at Urban Promise, His presence has been clear to our volunteers throughout the two decades of our partnership. “I feel such a strong presence of the Holy Spirit in that place,” shared Outreach Commission member Judy. Judy recalls visiting Urban Promise in the early 2000s. “When I joined in 2004, we were already connected to Urban promise, but it was still relatively new,” she said. She also recounted watching the growth and development of Urban Promise. What started out

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Walking for More than Water: Villages in Partnership

It takes between 6,000-7,000 steps to walk three miles. In developing nations like Malawi, Africa, those steps aren’t about fitness or hiking. Those steps are what it takes to access clean, potable water. And it’s those steps in part, those 6,000 to 7,000 steps to access water, that began the connection between our congregation and Villages in Partnership (VIP). VIP aims to “eradicate extreme poverty, beginning in the rural villages of Sakata in Malawi.” Their approach is to address six critical needs of human development: food, water, education, medical care, infrastructure, and economic opportunity. Working

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Growing Disciples who Grow disciples

What do VBS, Chiapas, and the youth commission have in common? At first blush, the answer may not be apparent; these opportunities, as well as others at PCTR, are often an outgrowth of the connections and discipleship nurtured through relational ministry and small groups. For example, when Andrew and his wife Lori first began attending PCTR in the years just prior to COVID, they were very intentional about getting to know people here. “We actually hosted one of the Dinners of 8,” shared Andrew. Their group only met for dinner once in the winter of

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