Everything that we have is a gift entrusted to us by God. Everything.
And, He has given us everything so that we may use all of it to be productive in continuing His work.
What’s His Work
Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost. He came to bring back to God all those who have been estranged from Him, to reconcile their relationship with God, to proclaim the good news to the poor, as well as the poor in spirit. To proclaim freedom for the prisoners and the captives (physically captive and spiritually captive.) He came to proclaim sight for the blind, health, healing, and wholeness through him, to save the world from our sins, to give His life as a ransom for many. This is Jesus’ business. And in Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells us that it’s your business now, too.
It is our mission to take everything that God has given us, these tools of money, time, influence, relationships, and personality, and use it all as part of God’s great mission to bring healing and salvation to the world.
Giving gifts & tithes through the church is one way we do this. In addition to the opportunity to give an offering during the worship service, you can also give through one of the following methods:
Mail your regular offering into the office at 1070 Hooper Ave, Toms River, NJ 08753, Attn: Colleen. Make your checks payable to PCTR.
Set up a reoccurring auto-bill pay with your bank. Contact your bank for specific instructions. Note: there are no additional fees associated with this option.
Give online. Just click here or the link below. You have the control and flexibility to give a one-time gift or to set up recurring contributions. You should find that giving online is safe, secure, flexible, and easy. Please note, that the church is charged a 3% processing fee on these transactions. You will have the option of adding this fee to your donation.