When your job involves connecting people to the gospel message and to one another, you often have the opportunity to witness the Holy Spirit at work in others as they experience Holy “Ah-ha” moments. That may be one of Pat’s favorite parts of her job. As our Director of Adult Discipleship, she gets to develop and encourage leaders, provide resources for studies, and coordinate the logistics for the various study groups and retreats aimed at helping adults grow in their faith. It’s a role that has continued to influence her own faith journey as she learns from those she studies with and those she works alongside. Before joining our staff, Pat shared her gifts with us in volunteer roles that included Elder, youth leader, and VBS volunteer. During those years, she was also a teacher in the Toms River School District. Today you’ll find her reading Biblical scholars, sharing her love of Christ, and picking some impressive Fantasy Football teams. Yes, Pat’s an avid Fantasy Football player. If you’re looking for tips on your roster, she may be someone to chat with!